Life in Layers in a New Space
The COVID19 pandemic in the world has pushed people to be more intense in their relationship with their social network media.
But so many people think positively enjoy the situation by doing their hobbies. And then this activity he showed to the world. Living in layers in a new space, is a human who represents himself through social media as a form of existence and self-statement that I am fine. Not realizing that the self is being demanded by followers to look perfect, and good, a dramaturgy that cannot be avoided of course.
There is also multi-layered satisfaction, which are satisfaction when someone likes to do something they like in their spare time, satisfaction when they can post something, satisfaction being a person who follows the will of the general public, and satisfaction when what is posted is liked through the thumbs up icon or simply love icon.
3D paper tole is the medium for conveying the concept of the work mentioned above, The principle of paper tole is layered, in the work shown layers that are deceptive, have tricks, overlap, as is the reality in today's social media life.
Gardening is a trending example at the moment, shown through social media how plants look beautiful on display. Even though everyone knows there are lots of editing software that can make our plants look good. But because we live in layers it all becomes the new normal, in the new lifestyle.
Artist Information
Kankan KasmanaUniversitas Komputer Indonesia | Indonesia