Colaboration Project Adri x Ade "From zero to Hero" This work It's a collaboration project between Adrianus Kristianto and Ade Fajarwati, an experiment project in a Furniture material class, that reflected how a person or a design student could responded to the issue of plastic trash and made something out of it. We understand that today a plastic bottle for water container were used in one single purpose only, and after that it's being thrown only to fulfill of thrash landfill, but we realized that the material is still has the potential to be reused and could be upcycling into another form of product with it's new functional purposed with it's significant value. So together with design students we invite with creativity and small effort we could create a new things out of unused and abundant trash material that were facing in our everyday life (that we are always want to forget and keep out of it...). Perhaps this small experiment could change the way we see this trash problem and create a new awareness and also take an advantage out of it for a better environment today and for the future. Thank you for watching, cheersss..;)
Artist Information
Adrianus X AdeBina Nusantara University | Indonesia